Skills students deliver a spot of pampering

There is nothing like a spot of pampering to brighten up your day. That is exactly what residents at Hadrian Park Care Home got when they welcomed hair and beauty students from The Skills Academy.

The learners were there to deliver nail treatments, hone newfound skills and practise some customer care.

Lecturer Sarah Little said: “This was a great opportunity for the students to get realistic work experience, while also getting out into the community.”

Taking the students out of their comfort zone, she added: “It also offers the students the chance to interact with a different generation with one of the residents they have been working with today being 101.”

The Billingham-based care home offers residential, dementia and respite care for older people. Lifestyle co-ordinator Laura Griffiths said: “The residents love it when the students come in. It is a nice pamper treatment for them and they get to talk to someone new. It is really good for them.”

Skills student Poppy, 15, said: “It is really good practice for us. The residents have visited The Skills Academy, so we have had the chance to meet them before.”

Savanna, 16, added: “I have learnt a lot from visiting the care home. You learn that it isn’t only young people who like to get their nails done.

“It is good for us to work with different clients and nice to have conversations with them.”

The Skills Academy offers an alternate education option for those aged 14 to 18. Introductory courses include construction, hair and beauty, art, IT and employability.

To find out more about the opportunities available or call 01642 607464.

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